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Ready Rocket Kids Workshop Expression of Interest

Looking to help your clients learn to regulate their emotions in a program that is fun and neurodiverse-affirming?

PLEASE NOTE: This Ready Rocket Kids Workshop Group Therapy Framework is a paid license for therapy providers to run the Ready Rocket Kids Workshops. By clicking and purchasing this expression of interest, you'll indicate your interest in the Ready Rocket Kids Workshop for your therapy practice, and we'll reach out to you to discuss this further. ✅🌟

The Ready Rocket Kids Workshop is a five-session therapy framework for children to learn practical strategies to navigate their emotions and energy levels throughout the day, using concepts and ideas from the books - The Galaxy Guide to Running My Rocket: A Journey Through Emotions and Space!

Suitable for kids aged 5-12 who have the capacity to participate in a group environment (i.e. can follow instructions, answer questions using their communication style and ask for help if required).

Purchasing this license provides your therapy practice with a comprehensive pack of resources and the pre-developed framework to support your clients in a group therapy context.

This is suitable for therapy providers who have a team of therapists and a desire to offer a neurodiverse-affirming group therapy program within their group schedule.

Why consider running these workshops as a therapy provider?

1. The Ready Rocket Kids Workshop is a neurodiverse-affirming therapy group.

Ready Rocket Resources understands that children process emotions differently and does not encourage masking or trying to adopt neurotypical regulation strategies for neurodivergent children. For some children, they process emotional responses from a top down approach (starting with the big picture of an emotion and then breaking it down into smaller details), while for other children, they process emotional responses from a bottom up approach (beginning with details of sensory-specific feelings and gradually building up to a bigger understanding of the emotion or emotions that they are experiencing). The Ready Rocket Kids Workshop includes discussion around both forms of processing in a child-friendly manner to make the resource inclusive of different neurotypes to empower children to learn about the way they process emotions.

2. The Ready Rocket Kids Workshop normalises that all emotions have a purpose!
The Ready Rocket Kids Workshop aims to help children learn that we travel to the different emotions in our day and that there is a purpose for this. Our aim is to create discussion around bigger emotions and talk about what is happening to our brain and body when we experience heightened emotions or emotional overwhelm, using child-friendly concepts. The Ready Rocket Kids Workshop also includes discussion around how children might feel when they make a mistake (shame, guilt, embarrassment, regret) and navigating moving through these trickier emotions.

3. The Ready Rocket Kids Workshop includes a holistic perspective of regulation.
The Ready Rocket Kids Workshop interweaves multiple best practice concepts in supporting children with their regulation skills. These include interoception, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, co-regulation, the natural stress response, sensory processing, growth mindset, research around shame, neurodiversity and emotional regulation neuroscience. This allows the framework to be a comprehensive and high quality therapy group.

Ready Rocket Kids Workshop Expression of Interest

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